Find out if you are a right fit for Klaxon.
Careers with Klaxon
Currently, Klaxon has no open positions we're looking to hire for.
Don't let that stop you though! If you think you might be a good fit for Klaxon, reach out.
Klaxon will never grow faster than our reputation and values can sustain. That means we don't hire skills: we hire character. Integrity is essential; skills get trained.
Klaxon will rigorously assess your background during the hiring process. Our clients rightly put trust in us to strictly safeguard their vulnerabilities. If anyone from your past causes us to question your trustworthiness, you'll not hear from us again.
Send us an email with your resumé to introduce yourself, and we'll keep your name on file in case any positions or contracts you're qualified for open up.
While we service clients nationally, we predominantly operate out of Milwaukee, WI. Relocation is likely unnecessary for most roles, but may be for some field personnel.
The right stuff
What can you bring to the table?
Field Operations:
Experience in red teaming, penetration testing, or threat and vulnerability assessments is excellent. At a minimum, candidates should be autodidacts already passingly familiar with the field, having some self-practice on entry skills. If you don't have direct experience so far, sell yourself as best you can.
Klaxon is a veteran owned company. We understand and appreciate military backgrounds. Tell us how your service can relate to our field operations.
Candidates with security clearances should inform us of their clearance level and if they have either a full scope or counterintelligence polygraph.
Analytical Work:
Experience working in government intelligence analysis is nearly a requirement. If you think you have relevant experience from another field that will make you an excellent Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) analyst who can produce professional products, make your pitch. How can you strengthen our products?
A clearance is not required for our analytical products, which rely on OSINT and debriefings to deliver products to corporate clients.
A portfolio of private sector analytical work is always welcome, as well as any declassified products from past government work. We recognize that many highly qualified analysts don't have access to past products, however.
Administrative Positions:
Knowledge or experience in business administration, service sales, and accounting are all valuable. If you like our company, tell us your skills.